Do you remember Frederic Wassef? Federal police remember

Do you remember Frederic Wassef?  Federal police remember

The Federal Police are finalizing the investigation into the jewelry and watches that, based on what is known so far, Jair Bolsonaro was committed to keeping or selling.

The final report on the case will be submitted later this month, and will call for the indictment of Bolsonaro himself and a handful of former authorities who passed through Esplanada between 2019 and 2022. But not only that.

Unless some new facts change between now and the end of the month, the investigators' current decision is to seek the indictment of lawyer Frederic Wassef, who represented Flavio Bolsonaro in Rachadinas, who gained the trust of the presidential family and became Bolsonaro's skilled worker.

Wassef admitted that he paid $50,000 to buy back a luxury Rolex watch that was sold irregularly by Bolsonaro's advisors in the United States.

Money illegally obtained from the sales, according to the National Front, will go to Bolsonaro, who has denied any involvement. In fact, Wassef also claimed to have nothing to do with it – almost as he said when asked if he knew the whereabouts of Fabricio Queiroz, Flavio's former advisor who was hiding in Atibaia (SP).

By the way, this will not be the first dispute between the lawyer and the Palestinian police team handling this case. On August 17, 2023, while eating dinner at a steakhouse in a shopping mall in São Paulo, he was approached by a team of the National Police, authorized by the court, and four mobile phones were confiscated. His car was also searched.

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After that, the once talkative Wasif disappeared from microphones and social media. But the National Front still remembers him.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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