Elections in the United Kingdom – Earthquake in the British Isles – Observer

Elections in the United Kingdom – Earthquake in the British Isles – Observer

The silence of the traditional media is loud in the political situation of countries with which Portugal shares historical ties, relationships or geographical proximity, especially if the political situation does not correspond to the European and global reality, which is increasingly pushed forward.

There seems to be a constant narrative of people who are good, virtuous, infallible, who are very intelligent, who are undeniable, as opposed to extremists, who generally question them. People who are so vicious, brutal, and passionate can only be clearly insane.

It cannot be denied that the world, Europe and the country, are divided between two great factions, which are confronting each other through their political leaders in search of what they believe to be the perfect society. Politicians, for the most part, move based on what gives them popularity.

After coming here, what happens in England? We haven't heard from them since leaving the EU. Although our young people continue to choose the Kingdom as their destination of choice, we hear that they are in a very poor state. Yes, it's true, it has seen better days, 14 years of one party continuing absolute power and the electoral system that encourages it are not the best drivers for change.

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Brexit arose out of a deep distrust of those who had always distrusted the EU and disliked the single currency. These ideas were not new, said Margaret Thatcher, and were recorded for posterity “No no no” For Jacques Delors' proposal that the European Parliament should be the democratic body of the Community, the Commission the executive body and the Council of Ministers the Senate.

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Nigel Farage, the father of Brexit, joined the Conservative Youth, abandoning the Maastricht Treaty when it was signed because he saw it as an attack on national sovereignty. He was elected as an MEP by the party he founded in 1999, UKIP, with the aim of abolishing his own office, which he successfully achieved in 2020.

In any divorce, there were irreconcilable differences, but the United Kingdom expressed its desire to maintain political and commercial cooperation with the EU. “One European flag, one anthem and one army, one political union,” the British rejected, using Farage's words.

The United Kingdom has left the European Union.

The purpose of leaving the EU is to regain control over the country, borders, trade and above all political decisions, which is the responsibility of the national government to do so. But he didn't. The Conservative government was incompetent, and because of its incompetence in self-governance, many British people reconsidered the matter and wanted to put their destiny back into the hands of a supranational institution.

The Boris, Truss, Sunak government has failed to restore any border control, waved exile to Rwanda, is highly dubious from an ethical and operational point of view, has had three prime ministers, two of whom have not been subjected to electoral scrutiny, and in this colossal mess, Labor emerges in what could be its biggest vote in a century.

No one who observes Sir Keir Starmer recognizes the resourcefulness or popularity of Tony Blair, “King Tony” as he was called in his day, Sir Keir Starmer is less sinister than any option the Conservatives can put on the table. And there is an easy argument on his side: fourteen years of his opponent's rule. You don't have to be very clever.

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Politically, these Conservatives and Labor agree on practically everything, so that only a desire for political turnover can justify a Labor victory.

It appeared to be a peaceful election until Nigel Farage decided to return to radical politics in what he openly identified as “a political shift in Europe” and a “rejection of the political class by young people”. He was right, he recognized the opportunity, the moment and the target audience well: two weeks after deciding to run for re-election, he was attacked twice, generated more covers and news than his rivals, and already surpassed conservatives in voting intentions. .

I do not foresee any improvement in the conditions of the British in the hands of the Socialists, nor do I see it continuing anywhere. The only thing new since July 4th is a strong, popular and politically incorrect opposition from a reformist UK, in a system created to have no place for them. Whether they will achieve parliamentary representation will be a surprise until the election. Churchill and Thatcher overtaking the party would be an earthquake in the British Isles.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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