The donkey that disappeared for 5 years leads a deer and kills a lion; video

The donkey that disappeared for 5 years leads a deer and kills a lion;  video

A California family was devastated when their pet donkey disappeared five years ago. They never imagined what Diesel was capable of during these years. Information taken from the ABC17 News website.

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In 2019, the animal escaped from the family farm when a predator frightened it. Now, in 2024, a video gives a clue as to where he's been all this time. The pictures show a lone donkey living with a herd of deer, and it is certain that the head of the family is Diesel.

The deer herd is located only a few miles from where Diesel first disappeared and in an area where there are no wild donkeys.

Terry Dreus, who raised the donkey on the family farm, said there were signs it was defending its new family from predators. “It killed coyotes that were protecting livestock and possibly a mountain lion,” he told ABC 17 News.

The dead lion was located in the same area as Diesel, and showed signs of an attack by a hoofed animal.

The family has adopted a new donkey and has no plans to try to catch Dazzle, seeing as he has survived well in the wild and appears to be healthy. “Catching him would be almost impossible,” Terry said. “It's really a wild donkey now.”

Diesel is about eight years old and still has a long life ahead of it, as this species can live for 30 to 40 years.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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