The limousine that Putin gave to Kim Jong Un is a fortress on wheels

The limousine that Putin gave to Kim Jong Un is a fortress on wheels

Twenty-four years later, the Russian President, Russian President Vladimir PutinVisit me again north korea. This time the leader received him Kim Jong Un (In 2000, the country was under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, Jong Un's father). But the meeting was not only characterized by strengthening the alliance between the two countries. To further strengthen their relationship, the duo decided to exchange gifts.

last weekThis way the leader of North Korea He won a limousine From Putin. The model is actually a copy of the vehicles Rolls-Roycein 2018. Named Urus Senat Limousine (the Brand It also has sedan and longline sedan models in its portfolio), and the model has a 4.4-liter twin-turbocharged V8 hybrid engine, developed in partnership with Porsche. The combustion engine has a power of 598 hp. The electric motor generates 63 horsepower. According to information on the brand's website, the torque is 89.7 mkg. The car has a nine-speed automatic transmission. The two leaders even walked the streets of North Korea's capital, Pyongyang, aboard the model.

Uros Senat / Disclosure

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In measurements, the gift Putin gave to Jong-un is 6.6 meters long. It is, after all, a lengthened version of the car. Inside, it has seats (two reclining seats for passengers) covered in leather, a minibar, tables and wood finishes. A digital instrument panel, multimedia centre, a screen for rear passengers and air conditioning outlets on all sides are part of the package.

Uros Senat / Disclosure

Moreover, the car has surveillance cameras and a night vision system. As expected, the limousine is armored. So it weighs 6.2 tons. That's almost double the conventional model, at 3.5 tons.

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