The UK may soon adopt artificial intelligence to improve heart attack prevention – Science

The UK may soon adopt artificial intelligence to improve heart attack prevention – Science

Many examples have proven that AI can also play an essential role in healthcareimproving diagnostic ability, thanks to the ability to quickly analyze and compare large amounts of information.

a group of British researchers from Oxford University It has been working on Improving the ability to diagnose heart attack risk using artificial intelligence. His solution has already been tested in several British hospitals and could soon be adopted by the UK healthcare system. Hey The test can provide more accurate information than is possible with a CT scanAnd determine whether the patient is at risk of having a heart attack in the next 10 years.

Hey The system is being analyzed and tested by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the NHS, which must decide before the end of the year whether to move towards implementation. In the national health system Watchman.

Every year in the United Kingdom more than 300 thousand people undergo TAC examinations For complaints of severe chest pain. In about 20% of cases, the examination detects clogged arteries or other risk factors. In 80% of cases, the examination does not identify warning signs and the patient is sent homeoften without medication, although this is not a 100% safe conclusion in many of these situations.

This includes the head of the Oxford project's research team, Charalambos Antoniades Two-thirds of these people will have serious, often fatal, heart problems in their lifetime. “We are clearly missing important signals in the tests we are running, which could give us information about who is really at risk.”

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The application of artificial intelligence in current examinations will allow this Conduct a deeper and more accurate analysis of the data that passes through the CT network today. This technology will look for damage associated with arterial inflammation, using data about the characteristics of coronary artery plaques or changes in fat around inflamed arteries.

Reference data has begun to be compared with US patients, but in the meantime the group has already accessed and studied it Data from 40,000 British patientsAs stated in the scientific article published in Lancelot magazine a few days ago.

Tests conducted so far indicate that In 45% of cases, doctors agree with the data collected by AI in this type of testing, which ultimately leads to changing treatments. Depending on that. As in many other areas of healthcare where the power of AI has been trialled, these mechanisms always work in partnership with clinicians, who have the final say in clinical decisions and have the ability to validate the suggestions made by AI.

a technology On the other hand, through existence The ability to collect information about millions of examples It is possible to practice with a great success rate of finding standard deviations, at a level that human vision and human experience can hardly follow, even if they are large, which opens the way to… The path to a highly potential partnership between humans and machines.

You Scientists Who revealed the project? They are also working on similar artificial intelligence systems to predict stroke risk And diseases such as diabetes.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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