5 Things That Are Blocked on Android If You Don’t Want to Get Virus

5 Things That Are Blocked on Android If You Don’t Want to Get Virus

Android device users can take several measures to prevent their mobile phones from being infected with viruses. Because the operating system allows apps to be downloaded from outside the Google Play Store – which may present an additional risk of malware entering – it is important to be careful when using the device. Actions to avoid include downloading broken games and not updating frequently. Next, check out our list of five things Android users shouldn’t do to ensure greater security.

Check out tips to avoid viruses on your Android phone – Image: Mariana Saguias/TechTudo

📝What to do when pre-installed cell phone apps stop working? See the TechTudo forum

What is malware?

Malware is malicious software that can harm the functioning of different types of systems, such as Windows on computers, Android on smartphones and even smart watches. In the case of mobile phones, pollution can take over the device’s functions and cause slowdowns when using tools and applications. There is also a risk of stealing personal information such as banking passwords, spying on user actions, and providing unauthorized permissions to perform background processes.

Malware can partially take control of the functions of the Android operating system – Image: Getty Images/SOPA Images

1. Download suspicious apps from outside the Google Play Store

Android device users have the option to download apps from outside the Google Play Store, an alternative not available on App Store-restricted iPhone (iOS) devices. This procedure may pose an additional risk of malware entering the cell phone. It is important to check for reports from other users about virus-related issues on the sites being searched. The same procedure must be done when downloading APK files, where you have to know the origin of the application and who is its developer.

Google Play Store is the safest place for Android users to download apps – Image: Mariana Saguias/TechTudo

2. Use third-party app stores

Since the Android operating system is open, it allows users to download from third-party stores to download available applications. Likewise, there are many risks associated, such as installing an unofficial app which in turn has not undergone any kind of verification, or giving permission to the store to install the software. In the latter case, the risk may be greater, as the procedure may be accompanied by the installation of malware unknown to the user.

Using app stores as an alternative to the Play Store poses risks for Android – Image: Mariana Saguias/TechTudo

3. Download broken apps and games

Downloading cracked and modified apps and games, i.e. pirated software, is one of the most common ways to keep Android devices vulnerable to virus contamination. Users can choose this type of platform for low or no financial costs, but there are risks. Installed files may be accompanied by various types of malware that puts the safety of the user’s personal information or even the use of the device at risk. Moreover, using fake products is illegal and harms the development of other apps from official developers, so it should be avoided.

Users should not install pirated apps and games installed on Android as they may contain malware – Image: Mariana Saguias/TechTudo

4. Forgetting to update your cell phone

Updating your cell phone is among the simplest actions that users should never forget to do to avoid having malware on their Android devices. Not using the latest version of the operating system can facilitate the work of malware, which exploits errors and flaws in the internal processes of the device to be installed. Regularly checking for available updates in settings can prevent virus-related problems from appearing.

Android updates not only improve the ease of use of the device, but also protect against virus threats – Image: Thássius Veloso/TechTudo

5. Do not install any antivirus

Android users should not forget to install antivirus software on their devices. This procedure is important to prevent problems caused by various types of malware, but it should only be done using official software. It’s important to check the authenticity of apps and websites that offer antivirus software to keep your cell phone protected when accessing websites and downloading, for example.

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With information from How to geek, Kaspersky that it MakeUseOf

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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