We are warned daily about the dangers of excessive use of technology, but the dangers go beyond addiction. Have you ever heard of “tech neck”? Translated into Portuguese, “technology neck” is a deformity caused by excessive use of a cell phone, which can cause jowls and wrinkles to appear on the neck.
According to YouGov, a British research organization, 53% of mobile phone users feel anxious when they cannot use their smartphone. In the same study, more than half of the respondents answered that they never turn off their phones.
“Addiction to technology, which is common and increasing, can aggravate or even cause problems in the cervical spine, causing pain and other harm to health. After all, a person spends a lot of time looking down, with an inappropriate posture Neurosurgeon Antonio Araujo, of the Clinic Araujo and Fazito, explains.
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According to Dr. Araújo, the habit of keeping your head down, and looking at your cell phone screen, speeds up the aging process, and more than that, ends up causing postural problems in the long run.
With this in mind, the expert has listed some tips to avoid this problem:
Set a time limit on your cell phone use
According to the expert, it is important to set a time limit on cell phone use and thus reduce harm. Dr. explains. Araujo.
Nowadays, cell phones themselves can be programmed for this type of control through apps or own hardware configuration.
Divide your time
In many cases, the time spent using the cell phone cannot be reduced, mainly due to work, so the best is to divide this time. That is, when you realize that you have taken the wrong posture for many hours, get up, take a walk, put your device down a little and fix your posture.
“By doing this, you spend less time in the wrong position, getting up, which is very good for trading as well, and restarting your work by arranging the position again,” he recommends.
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Pay attention to your posture
Correct posture is essential to avoid problems like “tech neck” which is why neurosurgeons suggest that you always be mindful of the position of your neck and spine. “This is important for training your body so that it is always in the correct position. After that, it becomes more natural, ”the neurosurgeon explains.
Doing physical activity
Physical exercise is essential to keep your health up to date, and it is also great for avoiding postural problems, and therefore deformities such as the tech neck. warns d. Araujo.
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The pain is not normal! Find a doctor
“It is always good to point out that there is no normal pain and it usually means that something is wrong. Therefore, if you start to feel any pain, see a doctor to investigate the cause and start treatment,” says the specialist.
It is also worth noting that the sooner a disease or deformity is evaluated by a specialist, the easier the treatment will be. He concludes, “The prognosis is always better when the problem is caught and treated properly from the start, so it’s crucial to pay attention.”