“Mary, in her youth, first conquers the heavens. The secret of her success lies precisely in the realization that she is young and needy,” Francis said in his address on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin. With God, only those who consider themselves nothing are able to have everything.
Silvone Jose – Vatican News
“In the Gospel of Sunday, the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, the Gospel hymn stands out. This hymn of praise resembles the image of the ‘Mother of God’. “Maryam rejoices in God because she looked at the humility of her servant.” Humility is Mary’s secret. It is humility that drew God’s attention to her. “These are the words of Pope Francis before the angels on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who spoke from the window of his office in the Vatican Apostolic Palace before the faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “The human eye – continued the Pope – searches for greatness and is fascinated by what is flashy. On the other hand, God does not look at appearances but at the heart and is pleased with humility. Today, looking at Mary we suppose, we can say that humility is the way that leads to heaven.
The Pope said that the word “humility” is derived from the Latin word humus, which means “earth.” Paradoxically: to get to the top, to the sky, you have to stay low, like the ground! Humble himself will be exalted. God does not exalt us for our talents, wealth, and abilities, but for our humility. God magnifies those who humble themselves and those who serve. In fact, Mary does not give herself a “title” other than that of a handmaid: she is “the handmaid of God.” She no longer says anything about herself, she is not looking for anything for herself anymore.
So today – emphasized Francis – we can ask ourselves: How do I live humility? Do I seek to be recognized, assert myself and be praised, or do I consider service? Do I know how to listen, like Maria, or do I just want to talk to get attention? Do I know how to shut up like Maria, or do I always talk? Do I know how to back off, avoid quarrels and arguments, or just try to stand out?
“Conquer Heaven First”
Mary, in her youth, conquers the heavens first. “The secret of her success lies precisely in the recognition that she is young and needy,” Pope Francis affirmed. With God, only those who consider themselves nothing are able to have everything. Only those who empty themselves are satisfied with Him, and Mary is “full of grace” precisely because of her humility. For us too, humility is the starting point and the beginning of our faith. It is necessary to be poor in spirit, that is, in need of God. He who is full of himself leaves no room for God, but he who remains humble allows the Lord to do great things. The poet Dante calls the Virgin Mary “humble and exalted above creature.”
Then Pope Francis said it was good to believe that the most humble and longest-lived creature in history, and the first to conquer the heavens with her soul, body and soul, spent most of her life within the walls of her house, in her daily life. Days full of grace weren’t very touching. They were often the same in silence: outside, there is nothing unusual. But the gaze of God always remained on her, admiring her humility, her availability, and the beauty of her heart, untouched by sin. This is a great message of hope for us. For you, who live the same days, tired and often difficult.
Let’s celebrate it today with love for children
Today Mary reminds us that God also calls you to this destiny of glory – continued the Pope. “These are not beautiful words, it is the truth. It is not a brilliantly polished happy ending, an illusion of piety or false consolation. No, it is pure truth, living and true as Our Lady of Heaven supposes.”
Then the Pope called the faithful present in St. Peter’s Square: Let us celebrate her today with the love of children, and we hope to be with her in heaven one day!
Then Francisco asked everyone to pray to Our Lady so that she could accompany us on the way from earth to heaven. He also asked the Virgin to remind us that the secret of the way is found in the word of humility. And that smallness and service are the secret to achieving the goal.”