the host Marcus Munj revealed, in a post on Instagram, which has decided to breach the content production agreement you have with it Netflix To focus exclusively on your work before boiler, employment Globo network. Recently, the announcer Make Miyun’s stay official Before the attraction in 2022.
“With the call to be before Saturday afternoon on TV Globo in 2022, it has become imperative to reconsider some of the commitments that have been made, as it would be humanly impossible to fulfill them all with the participation, energy and quality that I invest in everything I do In addition to keeping myself healthy. And with that honesty I went to Netflix to review what hit us.”, Mion mentioned, in a note. see below.
The agreement with Netflix was released by Mion in April 2021, without further information about the attractions of the streaming platform that will have a finger on the presenter. He added in his explanatory note: “The invitation and the projects with Netflix were an important moment in my career and meant a lot to me. However, I needed to listen to my heart and make the decision to completely give myself a lifelong dream to finally come true”.
to the gate splash, of UOL, the Netflix press office confirmed the termination of the contract with Mion, saying, in a note: “Due to his new professional commitments and consequent schedule mismatches, presenter Marcus Millon will not continue his projects on Netflix. We wish him every success in his new endeavours.”.