After a moral lesson, Jose ends the farce and reveals his identity to the two brothers

After a moral lesson, Jose ends the farce and reveals his identity to the two brothers

After giving a moral lesson to brothers, Joseph (Giuliano Lahham) will end the farce of children’s situation Israel Petronio Gontijo is in prison for crimes they didn’t commit. He will still decide to reveal his true identity in origin. The ruler of Egypt will say “I am José” in the final part of the biblical Record book.

In this Tuesday (16) class, Judah He (Tiago Rodriguez) will beg to remain as a slave in the place of Benjamin (Marcos Besa) after the soldiers find a cup in the boy’s belongings. The object, in fact, was placed there by order of the former slave.

Husband asenat Leticia Almeida will tell the brothers that Benjamin will be their slave as punishment. Widower Muriel (Raisa Batista) will despair and He will claim that his father cannot live without his youngest: “Please, I ask you to understand. If I go back without him my father dies immediately, and my brothers and I will be responsible for it.”

“I was only able to bring the boy because I promised my father I would bring his son back. So I ask you,” adds Judas, weeping. “Let me take his place as his slave. But he does not force me to go back to see my father die of grief,” he will ask.

Jose will hold back his tears and ask the soldiers to leave the place to be alone with the brothers. He will call the Hebrew “Judas” when he is alone with them. “It’s me…”, and Tamar’s husband (Juliana Xavier), Surprised.

.’s former slave Potivar Val Perry will pull the accessory out of his head and reveal, “I’m Jose.” The brothers will be shocked by this discovery In soap operas by Camilo Pellegrini, Stephanie Ribeiro and Raffaella Castro.

Genesis is a free modification of the first book of the Bible. The series is divided into seven stagesAnd currently the record of the seventh exhibition: Jose the news Spread Synopsis of the biblical novel.

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