At the CPI’s Covid request, Supreme Court Minister (STF) Alexandre de Moraes decided today to open an investigation against President Jair Bolsonaro (without party) for statements linking the vaccine against COVID-19 to the risk of contracting AIDS, which is not true.
The president made the remarks in a broadcast on social networks, which has already been suspended on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. The president said documents in the UK were indicating that people vaccinated against the coronavirus would develop AIDS “much faster than expected”.
In her response to the G1 portal, Zahra Vindani, HSA Communications Officer, stressed that “Covid-19 vaccines do not cause AIDS. AIDS is caused by HIV.”
The president of Anvisa, Antonio Barra Torres, rejected the assembly. He stressed that “vaccines approved by Anvisa do not cause any disease.”
In the decision, Moraes stated that “there is no doubt that the behavior reported by the President of the Republic, in the sense of spreading fraudulent news about vaccination against Covid-19, uses the modus operandi of mass dissemination schemes on social networks, revealing the need to adopt measures that clarify the facts that have been taken.” investigated, especially in the presence of a criminal organization.”
In the minister’s opinion, it will not be up to the Attorney General’s office to investigate internally, as the Supreme Court was activated through a crime report. He also states that the Supreme Court will monitor during the investigation.
“It is not sufficient for the ministerial body operating before the ICC, in this case, the Office of the Prosecutor, to claim only that the facts are under investigation internally. It is essential that the documents are communicated and submitted within the scope of the procedure under consideration here, indicating the circumstances in which they are taking place. Investigations, indicating the preliminary results and any steps that have already been taken and will be implemented. Only in this way can a comprehensive and updated idea of the direction of this stage of the criminal prosecution be obtained,” the judge wrote.
He also ordered the “immediate suspension of the President of the Republic on social networks, within a period of 15 (fifteen) days.”