MC Gui breathes out worry and Allen consoles him

MC Gui breathes out worry and Allen consoles him

Aline Mineiro, part of “farm 13″ (Record TV), MC Gui consolation next Recording “Hura do Faro”. Soon, the pawn headed to the headquarters room, where he lay alone.

“Migo, it’s six days, let’s go. Try to get worry And stick it in the thread, let’s go up, okay. Come on, cowboy. These hours aren’t the time to fall, no. Let’s go”

“These days are over with me,” MC vented. “Megu, you must have gotten really rough already. Look how much we’ve suffered here, that’s another dynamic, man. We just took a log on the wire, for God’s sake. Let’s see your clothes? Look how pretty they are,” said the ex-panic to the pawn, Showing off his look for tonight’s party.

“I won’t let you lie down, Kido. Up, Kido. Let’s go, for God’s sake. Boy, I’m going to do a set,” Allen continued hugging MC. “We’re in another dynamic and it’s going to fall off, are you crazy? There was a worse dynamic, with the journalist putting it in our Tuba,” she said.

Then Rico entered the room and played funkyo. “MC Gui is crying there because he didn’t earn R$5,000. Solange stole R$5,000,” he said. “Look how horrible, man,” Solange commented with a laugh. which he discussed earlier with the comedian in ‘Faro’..

Then MC Gui complained about the comedian’s comment. “It’s not about money, I’m not crying about money, no. […] Tell him to stop saying that, brother? A bigger request is unnecessary,” singer Allen asked.

After that, Funquero spoke to Dino Alves and Solange Gomez, and explained what had happened. “Anxiety was severely affected during the recording,” he vented, saying he was undergoing treatment for anxiety outside of confinement.

After Mileide Mihaile leaves, who deserves to win ‘The Farm’?


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


    Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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