A couple got kicked out of the trip because they didn’t keep something religious under their seat

A couple got kicked out of the trip because they didn’t keep something religious under their seat
See American Airlines
America Airlines. Imagem: Sunnya343/CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia

A married couple traveling from Miami to New York on an American Airlines flight were fired after they refused to put a Jewish prayer shawl under the seat in front of them.

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Controversy on the trip

According to the New York Post,A lawsuit over religious discrimination was filed by passengers, who claimed that their belongings were in the overhead compartment above their seat.

The flight attendant was annoyed because they were not well accommodated, so he took them away and asked who he was.

When they raised their hands, the crew said the small backpack should be under the seat.

Passengers explained that it was a religious item and could not be placed on the ground. The shawl will look good in their lap, but since there is a small bag, it should be placed under the seat in front of them or in the overhead compartment.

“It’s a religious item, it can’t be under the seat,” said the man, as he took off his baseball cap to reveal the kippah that covered his head, explaining that, as an Orthodox Jew, he is forbidden to put his shawl on the floor.

The hostess would say that it didn’t matter and that she would have to follow the rules.

At the insistence of the flight attendant and the couple’s refusal, they were kicked off the plane and had to spend the night in Miami alone, without their checked bags.

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Faced with embarrassment, an elderly couple has sought justice and is now suing the company.

They say they are frustrated with the other passengers, as no one defended them, even though there were a lot of people on board at the time.

American Airlines declined to comment on the case because it was a lawsuit.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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