The National Health Council (CNS), on Wednesday (15/12) during its 327th Ordinary Meeting, honored researcher Jaqueline Goes de Jesus with the delivery of Zilda Arns 2020 Commenda.
The Brazilian scientist was part of the team that mapped the first genome of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in Brazil within just 48 hours after the country’s first case of Covid-19 was confirmed. The average in the rest of the world for this assignment was 15 days. Sequencing allowed us to differentiate between the virus that infected the Brazilian patient and the genome identified in Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic China.
The scientist participated in a remote central nervous system meeting. The researcher is currently doing post-doctoral training in the UK. The symbolic delivery was made by black and black counselors, counselors, counselors, and counselors who make up the central nervous system.
“This recognition and this symbolic acknowledgment, made by my brothers who know myself, means a lot to me. It is a great honor to receive this commendation, which is so important in the context of public health in Brazil. I receive it on behalf of all Brazilian scientists, who have consistently devoted their time , not only to combat the epidemic, but to appreciate our class,” says the researcher.
A highly represented black scholar in advocacy of science, Jacqueline has a PhD in Human and Experimental Pathology from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and is currently doing postdoctoral research at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in São Paulo at the University of São Paulo (IMT/USP). It is also part of the Brazil-UK Joint Center for Discovery, Diagnostics, Genomics and Epidemiology Arbovirus (Brazil and UK Center for Arbovir Virus Discovery, Diagnosis, Genomics and Epidemiology).
“We know there are many obstacles to getting to this level and with me as a black woman, it was no different. This honor is an invaluable recognition,” adds Jacqueline.
“This work is very representative, we have to value SUS as a society, against attacks on science. Defending science does not devalue other knowledge. We can only thank you for everything you’ve done Jacqueline,” concludes National Health Adviser Priscilla Vegas.
Among those nominated to receive the award were former Attorney General Deborah Dobrat, Father Giulio Lancelotti, Doctor Maria Inez Jadelha and Attorney Maria Lucia (Movimento Social de Rua). Those would get a term recognition for defending the SUS and human rights, efforts that intensified in this period of catastrophe in Brazil.
Zelda Arens praise
The Zilda Arns Prize aims to recognize the merit of the work of people who have dedicated themselves to the process of developing the Unified Health System (SUS) and ensuring the human right to health. In 2018, the handover was handed over to public health specialist Gelson Carvalho and in 2019 the CNS honor went to Cacique Raoni’s historical leadership.
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