The gray gloves and hat of the Izzy shirtcliff match the color of the sky. The rain has already been felt and the temperature is around 7 degrees Celsius, but in the vicinity of St Thomas’ Hospital in London, the line stretches for hundreds of meters outside. The 29-year-old, who has been waiting more than six hours for the third dose of the vaccine against Covit-19, agrees with Expresso: “After the three-hour wait, I can not give up.” By the end of the year, Boris Johnson announced that the booster would be available to all adults who have been vaccinated for more than three months. After the race for the centers, it was clarified: above all, everyone should be vaccinated and stop the Ómicron variant.
The British National Health Service is under pressure to reach the bar: appointments in other specialized units are being postponed, self-examinations are exhausted, and even planning a PCR examination has become difficult. To streamline the process, the government is inviting volunteers not only to logistics, but also to manage quantities. In the past week, more than half a million vaccines have been given a day in the UK. The downside of the coin is that so many cases are not detected within 24 hours of the onset of the epidemic.
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