Next chapter, Monday January 3 TV news

Next chapter, Monday January 3 TV news

Check out the next chapter summary of place in the sunGlobo’s Nine Hour TV series, which airs on Mondays (3):

Lara is offended by Matthew’s mistrust. Cecilia likes Rebecca when she sees her mother posing for a photo. Anna Virginia is happy with the reconciliation between Breno and Ilana. Joey asks Christian/Renato for money to pay for Adil’s surgery.

Barbara follows Christian/Renato’s car with Nicole and gets Joey stuck in her husband’s car. The Redentor audit report is completed without finding any evidence of fraud or embezzlement.

Luan School Psychologist Erika warns of her son’s low performance in studies and suggests that the poor outcome may be related to the absence from Santiago.

Lara tells Matthews that she is going to meet Christian / Renato to show her the school restaurant project. Gabriella tells Ilana and Brno that they will have to make a decision about getting pregnant.

click here For summaries of upcoming chapters from A Place in the Sun.

Um Lugar ao Sol classes are provided by Globo and are subject to change without notice

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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