the Itaú Unibanco He started a beta program that will allow accounts to be opened with The WhatsApp. The novelty, which is still in the testing stage, can now be used by public servants of the Government of Minas Gerais. The special service is expected to expand to other customers soon.
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As explained by the bank, the purpose of the procedure is to simplify the process open accountAnd Update e Remove bureaucracy from the process.
The decision to start implementation was made with the public of employees of the state of Minas Gerais for the following reason: the institution is responsible for the payroll of state employees.
Open an account in a few minutes
The novelty started by Banco Itaú will allow, with just a few clicks, anyone to be able to open their account at the foundation. Action The opening happens entirely within WhatsApp.
Moreover, through the messenger, it will also be possible to customize the products and services offered by the bank. In short, it is a new possibility to open an account without having to leave your home. Currently, this is already possible through the Itaú website.
According to Flávio Iglesias, manager of individual products at Itaú, the novelty also acts as a complement to the service provided in the physical branches. Face-to-face service is still essential, especially for customers who are not familiar with financial transactions that involve technology.