The Federation prevents Santander from opening on Saturday in Blumenau and the region

The Federation prevents Santander from opening on Saturday in Blumenau and the region

The Blumenau and Region Bank Workers’ Union (SEEB) banned Santander from working with the Desendivide national debt renegotiation campaign on Saturday, 22nd. The reason is that national legislation prevents banks from operating on weekends.

Also on Thursday, a state injunction decided that every branch operating on Saturdays would need to pay a R$500,000 fine. According to Santander, the order was cancelled. However, since the guild had not been officially notified, the validity of the injunction still held.

For the bank to open in these exceptional situations, the bank needed to negotiate with the union movement and Santander did not. Santander does not have the practice of negotiating with the union movement. He wants to bulldoze and run over and ignore our work,” notes union president Edson Louise Heymann.

The event was scheduled to take place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday. The agency tried to open the doors and called the staff. However, after long negotiations with the union, the bank workers were released.

In the case of the branch on Rua XV de Novembro, where Edson was present with posters and flyers, the union still triggered municipal health surveillance if the bank insisted on operating. According to them, the building is without air conditioning and works with fans only.

Bankers Union

The union remained in the building until 2 p.m. to ensure that employees were not called in. Also according to the president, the same procedure was repeated in all six Santander branches in the region.

In addition to the two in Rua XV, Blumenau owns one in the Itoupava Norte neighborhood and another in Garcia. The same thing happened in Pomerod and Gaspar. Procedures should follow in the next two months, when Santander plans to resume work.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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