This Wednesday (16) the National Supplemental Health Agency (ANS) released a list of health plans whose sale will be temporarily suspended due to complaints about assistance coverage. Twelve plans from six operators will be suspended due to complaints filed in the fourth quarter. Met existing.
The ban on selling will go into effect next Tuesday (22). In all, 83,286 beneficiaries are protected by the measure, as these plans can only be marketed to new customers if operators show an improvement in monitoring score. ANS guidelines are that the consumer does not rent pending health plans. If you receive an offer to purchase one of these plans, Report to ANS.
In the watchingtwo health plans have been released from the care guarantee, but will continue to be suspended for other reasons.
This procedure is part of the Service Assurance Monitoring, which regularly monitors the performance of the sector and works to protect consumers. In this period, 33,377 complaints were analyzed between October 1, 2021 and December 30 of that year.
In addition to the suspensions, ANS also discloses a list of plans that may be commercialized again. In the cycle, 11 plans will be released by four operators sold by Service Warranty Monitor.