Tadeu Schmidt used the last minutes of Sunday’s show to wish those trapped the best of luck and play with the 4th Lollipop members.”BBB 22 inches (TV Globo).
Good luck everyone and in this moment of great tension, at least I have something to say to the Lollipop folks, this time, someone is going to come back off the wall. You have to see the positive side of things, right? The presenter said in a joking tone.
The presenter stated that so far no one from the room has returned from the wall. However, with this week’s hotspot being Eliezer and Laís, one of them is sure to stay in the game.
Laes replied with a joke: “At least, right, Tadeo?” On the other hand, Slovenia laughed, but as soon as she said goodbye to the presenter of the program, she said that she was sad to comment.
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Watch now: “Realities – Brazil on TV”
We’ve already spoken to former BBBs who felt sorry, to those who caused controversy and now, in “Realities – O Brasil na TV,” a three-episode documentary produced by splash And the MOV.docwe say the beginnings and behind the scenes of reality programs in Brazil.