Worked in 2021, when can I receive PIS/Pasep?

Noticias Concursos

There is a very common question right now regarding receiving a file PIS/PASEP salary allowance, Mainly for those who have an official contract in 2021, that is, last year. To answer this question, it is necessary to pay attention to the rules for receiving the program.

In this year 2022, the federal government issued Withdrawal of salary allowance PIS / PASEP For employees of private and public companies. Released during February and March.

In 2021, the PIS payment was delayed and ended up not happening. Many workers believe that in 2022 the wage will be doubled, but the proposal did not develop.

So, in this year 2022, PIS payment refers to 2020. In 2023, the amount to be paid will refer to 2021. So far, the calendar has not been reported for those who worked in the past year .

I worked in 2021, when will I get my PIS/Pasep?

What is known at the moment is that a worker who has undertaken an official activity or worked in the civil service in 2021, will have access to the benefit only in 2023.

For the 2021 PIS / PASEP payments, more than 20 billion R$ must be provided to approximately 23 million citizens. These numbers should be in the budget for next year.

This year, releases the 2020 Salary Allowance and PIS/Pasep Recovery for those who worked in 2019 and ended up not receiving benefits in the budget.

How do I know if I am entitled?

For PIS (private company worker):

  • In the Worker Cashier app;
  • In the location from the box
  • Through the Caixa service, Tel: 0800 726 0207.

For Pasep (public server):

  • By phone at the Banco do Brasil call center: 4004-0001 (capitals and metropolitan areas);
  • 0800 729 0001 (other cities);
  • 0800 729 0088 (hearing impaired).

How to withdraw the salary bonus?

PIS (Caixa Ecomica Federal):

  • At Caixa branches, with a photo ID;
  • With a citizen card, at ATMs and lotteries.

BASEP (Bank of Brazil):

  • At Banco do Brasil branches, with identity document;
  • Through the automatic transfer of the account of the enterprise customer.

How to find your PIS number

To check the amount to be received, you must have your PIS number on hand. If you do not know your number, you can check it on the My INSS portal. The first step, when entering the site, is to log in with your account.

When you log in, you will just need to open the ‘My Registration’ page. It contains all of your information associated with the system, which includes your PIS number. It is a very easy process that allows you to consult with your bank.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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