Anna Maria Braga It was again the subject of controversy on Thursday (14), after commenting on Luciano’s new look, who was first eliminated from BBB 22. During Mais Você, the presenter talked about changing her former brother, who changed her hair from black power to sleek hair last weekend.
“We know what will happen next. I’ll give you a head start here, okay? Because after any procedure, even dyeing, for example, which I use, you end up with very little hair. This is a powerful process. I just wanted to prepare your heart and everything, because your hair will be back as beautiful as before. It will come back but it will look a little differentGlobal said.
Next, reporter Joe Masaoka cautioned the blonde and said it’s a flat iron and not a final procedure. “Imagine if this was a flat iron! are you crazy? What a hat, woman. Imagine, I want to get acquainted with this flat iron … Yes, but he is joking. Because if this is a flat iron, my mother is able to resurrect‘, they shot Anna Maria.
Repercussions on the Web
On Twitter, many netizens were outraged by the caller’s statement. “Anna Maria suspects that Luciano did “just a flat iron” which certainly includes chemistry, because in her opinion “there is no way”… I have no words. I have disgust”, wrote one of the users of the social network.
“I didn’t like Anna Maria’s comment about Luciano’s flat iron. Lack of knowledge of afro hair is something…Another posting.Luciano, please make a video today to show that you just flat ironed your hair and revived Anna Maria Braga’s mother, this lady has been calling for retirement for a long timeAdded a third.