Gustavo denounces a serious flaw in the party and monitors the sister production

BBB 2022
Gustavo decries technical failure at party, BBB 2022 production takes action (Image: Reproduction/Globoplay)

There was another party at BBB 2022to celebrate the moments of each of the seven contenders. GustavoHowever, he fixed a major flaw in their booth and soon complained, prompting production to take action.

Find out all that’s going on at BBB 2022 in RD1 coverage

At the event, there was a space with personal items, photos, videos and special foods for each. According to the former resident of the greenhouse, something was dripping: “It wets my food and my productivity. Put the roof to the side there Gustavo“.

Production did not immediately respond to Gustavo’s request and even changed focus Pay per viewwhich makes the live broadcast not focused on brother for a few minutes.

BBB 2022: Gustavo argues criticism of the production stand and leaves a tense atmosphere

Gustavo was once a captain in “Big Brother in Brazil” and right after he lost Lais, his affair was in confinement. The former resident of Casa de Vidro caused rapid tension when he criticized a situation on the production of reality, in which the beloved one is involved.

The man from Parana asked Eliezer: “Come here, have your album posters arrived?”. The commander at the time wanted to know the reason for the question and heard the following:I wanted to know if I got pictures of you from a BBB feed with Vyni“.

No, it hasn’t been sent yet.’ replied the designer. Gustavo wanted to use it as a comparison and launched:This is because I wanted to know. They never sent me pictures of Ace in my life, I asked for it and everything. If the production sent you pictures of Vyni, after they denied me pictures of Laís, I would be very angry“.

BBB 2022: Gustavo argues by quoting Hitler in conversation

It started with the inmates joking that there was only Eliezer among the contestants who slept in the lollipop room and continued after they entered the room.

The law graduate thought about sleeping in his opponents room and said: “When Hitler seized Paris, did he not sleep in Paris?“.

Paolo Andre laughs at his brother’s reproach: “QOh madness! calm down! What a comparison…Gustavo tried to defend himself:Damn, that was bad! I never wanted to compare myself to him…but I mean, when you win wars, don’t you sleep in enemy territory? Put the flag there?“.

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Matthews Henrique Menezes

Official copywriter since 2017. His experiences as editor and social media. She has written about celebrities, television, series, music, reality shows, politics, and the LGBTQIA+ agenda. Supplementary videos on YouTube on Benzathios channel.

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