It may seem strange for someone to forget to take money that belongs to them, but there are more than 300,000 Brazilians in this state.
According to the data of the Ministry of Labor and Welfare, there are more than 200 million Brazilian riyals in public treasuries, forgotten by about 320,000 workers who benefit from PIS / Pasep. The amounts refer to the provision for the base year 2019.
To try to reduce this balance, the deadline for refunding these amounts began on March 31, 2022.
What are the requirements to be eligible for these values?
- To be registered in PIS or Pasep for at least 5 years;
- in 2019have not received a monthly wage in excess of a minimum wage;
- have worked, in 2019, for a legal entity for at least 30 days;
- The data must have been updated by the employer in the Annual Report of Social Information (RAIS) or eSocial;
- Not to make the withdrawal within the specified period in 2021.
How do I know if everything is OK on my registration?
The simplest way is to use the Digital Work Card app available for Android And iOS. To access, it is necessary to have an account on
In case of difficulties, you can also call 158.
What should I do to withdraw the amount?
The worker can go directly to the regional unit of the Ministry of Labor and Welfare closest to his place of residence, just by bringing a document with a copy.
It is also possible to do Request Reissue it directly to your state’s regional labor oversight body via email.
In Bahia, the sending address is [email protected]. If you’re in another union unit, just put the state abbreviation instead of “ba” right before the at sign symbol. For example, anyone located in Ceará should use the following email address: [email protected].
If the application is approved by the ministry, the worker will have until December 29, 2022 to make the withdrawal. If you don’t go through the process again, you’ll have to wait for a new deadline for applications in 2023.