more than 300 meteors were recorded Between the night of Wednesday (4) and the dawn of Thursday (5) at Rasd station mountain castlein North Santa Catarina (See the video above). According to amateur astronomer Josemar Justino, at least 120 of them were debris from Comet Halley and are part of rain Eta Aquarids, It is considered the first major meteor shower in 2022.
According to Justino, a member of the Brazilian Meteoritic Observing Network (Pramón), meteorites from Eta Aquariidas began appearing around 3 a.m. Thursday.
The astronomer said: “It was a favorable night because the sky was practically very clear, without clouds. The moon also did not interfere with its brightness this time. It coincided precisely at the time of the height of the meteor showers.”
More than 300 meteors have been observed since Wednesday night[4)-Photo:Josemargostinho/Disclosure[4)-الصورة:جوسيمارجوستينو/إفشاء
Peak rain this weekend – Photo: Josemar Justino/Disclosure
According to Bramon, the Eta Aquariidas activity began on April 21 and will continue until May 12. However, the peak rainfall occurs between the nights of May 4-6. “It is likely that this phenomenon will be repeated in the next dawn with a large number of meteors,” Justino said.
In Santa Catarina, according to Bramon, About 35 meteors per hour are expected at peak rainunder ideal conditions of observation, on behalf of Eta Aquáridas.
The best time to spot it is from 3 a.m. heading east. The best places to watch are dark places, away from large urban centers.
“Although the radiation of Eta Aquarids is in Aquarius, you do not need to look in the direction of this constellation to see its meteors, as they will appear in all parts of the sky, and they will only appear as they come from the direction of the constellation,” he said.
How do Eta Aquarids work?
According to the Brazilian Meteor Monitoring Network, all meteors from the same atmospheric shower collided parallel to each other.
To an observer on Earth, these meteorites appear to have originated from the same point in the sky. In the case of Eta aquaridas, this point is located in the constellation AquariusNext to the star eta Aquarii. That is why the name of this rain is Eta Aquarids.
These aren’t the only annual meteor showers associated with Halley’s Comet, But it is considered the most dense. In addition, Orionids, which occur in October, also generate from the debris of the same comet.
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