The procedure goes wrong and leaves the woman with creepy eyebrows

The procedure goes wrong and leaves the woman with creepy eyebrows

A 37-year-old American left with distorted eyebrows After undergoing the semi-permanent hair filler technique.

“Never in a million years would I have imagined an outcome like this. It was awful! When my 3-year-old daughter saw my new eyebrow, she was horrified.”

Before and after Crystal Weinstock

A resident of Houston, Texas, she performed the song microblading Worth $340, equivalent to 1,740 Brazilian Reals, at a beauty salon close to home.

“As a busy mum, I found it time-consuming to fill in my brows and make sure they were the right shape. So I thought of making a file microblading‘, he said he shares. “I asked for full brows, not voluminous ones,” he added.

Now Crystal needs laser sessions to remove the procedure and Saving the original shape of the eyebrows. “I didn’t think it would be so bad and take so much work,” he concluded.

According to professionals, the durability of a microblading It varies from eight months to a year. The main difference in the micropigmentation technique is the tool used to mimic wires and fill in the area.

Also, according to experts, the former is more invasive and has a shorter durability, but usually gives a more natural result than micropigmentation.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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