McFly plans to return to Brazil, calls Luan Santana to the achievement and tells us how the battles are going | pop art

McFly plans to return to Brazil, calls Luan Santana to the achievement and tells us how the battles are going |  pop art

McFly feels at home in Brazil. After 10 years without stepping here, the fans’ emotion has been so overwhelming that they are already planning to come back next year.

The English quartet were greeted by small crowds at airports and even met the children of those who began following the band in the 2000s and are now in their 30s.

“We didn’t expect it to be like this after all this time,” says Danny Jones. “Now he’s reactivated everything that was frozen, and we’re excited to be back, talking about coming back next year already”, g 1. Watch the video above.

McFly at Espaço Unimed – Photo: Breno Galtier / T4F

The band is thrilled to be out on their first tour after a long hiatus: They quarreled and separated for two years, then decided to come back in 2019, but the pandemic ended their tour plans.

For them, this time in isolation was necessary to reconnect, do therapy, discuss the relationship and create two albums: “Young dumb trhills,” which was released in 2021, and one that has yet to be released, but will come full of grunge bob, as he defines it.. Harry Judd.

McFly at Espaço Unimed – Photo: Breno Galtier / T4F

Read the interview with the band:

g1 – I need to start by asking how the show was in Brazil, if it was all I expected, and how I dealt with Tom’s lack of sound.

Danny Jones – So the show was… Even when we got to the airport, and we got to Brazil, the reaction we got from the fans, after ten years without being here, was incredible. We didn’t expect it to be like this after all this time. Now reactivate everything that was frozen, We are excited to be back, talking about coming back next year already. Well, that’s exciting for us. Thanks to all the Brazilian fans for making this so great for us.

Harry Judd – Well, we have a doji. He sang many parts of Tom.

Doge Pointer – Unexperienced. There was a moment on the 27th, in the dressing room, where I was singing an excerpt from “Friday Night” and Danny said, “No, you don’t sing well” and it was really hard to get to that key. When he sang on the program, I relaxed.

g1 – Speaking of fans, we have a big star here in Brazil, his name is Luan Santana, he’s a country singer and he was a huge fan of McFly. His first songs, in 2010, were based on songs from McFly. Did you know that you have this influence on stars all over the world?

Harry – We had no idea. I wanted to hear this song and meet this guy. Luan, we need to do some cooperation.

Danny – It’s great to know that. Really cool.

g1 – Now talking about the future, when we first spoke in 2020, Danny said they were already working on new music. What can you tell us about the new album and what message do you want to convey with it?

Harry Well, I like Dougie’s answer to this. How would you describe the album?

Doji – It’s like a summer ’80s teen rock movie.

Harry – She has guitars and lots of guitars and solos. More like pop rock, inspired by the ’80s, something from the ’70s. How do…

Doji – Little Weezer…

Harry – It Little Van Halen, A little grunge. Pop grunge, like the grunge sounds in production, but with a kind of pop tone.

G1 – Do you feel any pressure from yourself, the public or the record company regarding this work?

Harry – No, we are very lucky. What we did this time was we didn’t try to overproduce. It was just bits of guitar, bits of drum, and obviously vocals, but it didn’t overlap much.

Because it’s so tempting when composing a song for them to produce and add so many different elements, but We just got back to the initial way of writing a song and then using our instruments and our voices. We try to recreate the sounds we live in. When we take our songs from the past and play them live, it’s only the four of us and it always looks better.

Danny – I think the space we created allowed us to be the band we live in. And we had a group where we could record and capture this magic, because normally we have to do a voiceover, go to the studio, produce, but this time we had our own studio, so that allowed us to just be ourselves.

So this is not just another album. People, especially in the UK, are shocked when they see us playing at a festival and say ‘we didn’t know you were like this’. And we’re just like, “Yeah, man.” So it’s exciting to be here with the “stupid youthful thrill” because it was the first to come back, but we’re even more excited for what’s to come.

g1 – And after group therapy and a breakup, something changed in the way you went on the tour and worked together.

Harry – Yes I think so. I think we have matured as human beings. We learned not to spend all our time together anymore. We spent the first fifteen years of our career together all the time and it was intense. Not because of the characters, because we get along very well, but because of the differences in influences.

Some people have stronger voices, but still others have strong opinions as well, they just don’t know how to express them.. I think that was the main cause of our problems. Now it’s about making sure everyone is heard and I think this new album is about that a lot..

Tom will always have a great foundation in what our voice is about, but just as important as Danny and Dougie and to some extent my voice is heard. And I think that’s what makes our best sound.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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