Reproduction / TV Globo
In an interview with Folha, Sérgio Reis (photo) has stated that the hiring of performances by artists from the countryside by Brazilian city councils “It’s public money, not public money”.
Reese, a former federal representative, has tried to differentiate this type of payment from the Rowan Act fundraising model — which Jair Bolsonaro supporters, like him, have criticized.
The city council needs to provide free time for city residents. So my friend, if there is a party, what is the problem with having artists at it? “asked the country singer, who said he had never resorted to the Rowan Code in his career.
“We won from city halls. With city council, it’s a contract of course. You have to give your company file, invoice, plain.”Reese said.
“The mayor has to bring joy to the people. What is there? The mayor helps local businesses. The party makes money for the popcorn seller, the poor guy who sells cotton candy, the housewife who makes the home candy and sells it at the stall at the party.”he added.
The controversy resurfaced after Zee Neto, of the duo with Cristiano, criticized Anita and said that the sartanijos are artists who do not need the Rouen Code. Reports showed that Zee Neto, Cristiano and other artists of this type, Like Gustavo Limareceive public money from city halls for their concerts.
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