Regular exercise changes more than just our appearance. It’s safe to say that the condition of muscles, skin and fat tissue depends on the changes that occur in the endocrine system. Let’s understand what happens to the hormonal background and to the body as a whole if you get on the fitness trail.
These “joy hormones” are produced while you are playing online slots or exercise to suppress pain. And at the same time they help feel a rush of happiness or even euphoria, reduce anxiety, reduce fear and feelings of hunger. On average, endorphin levels increase fivefold during endurance exercise. Scientists have also found that their synthesis is increased for another half hour after the end of the workout.
Insulin is produced in the pancreas and is responsible for lowering blood glucose concentrations. It helps amino acids to reach muscle fibers and participates in fatty acid metabolism. So, insulin can be called the hormone that determines the amount of fat and the beauty of muscles. It has been scientifically proven that ten minutes of exercise leads to a decrease in insulin concentration. The longer the workout, the lower its concentration. Strength training increases cellular sensitivity to insulin. And high insulin sensitivity is a sign of good health and insurance against being overweight.
Somatotropin or Growth Hormone
One of the chief hormones responsible for muscle growth. This hormone keeps joints, ligaments, tendons and bones healthy. Somatotropin speeds up the metabolism. The optimum time to increase the level of the growth hormone is 45 minutes. Increased somathropin levels result in improved endurance, rejuvenated skin and hair, improved attention span, reduced subcutaneous fat and even increased libido! Growth hormone also decreases carbohydrate consumption during exercise, increasing fat breakdown. The best way to increase somatotropin is through strength training.
This thyroid hormone is responsible for metabolism, mood and heart rate. It has been proven that during physical activity thyroxine production increases by 30%, remaining at elevated levels for five hours after the end of the workout.
Adrenaline is a hormone that is synthesized in adrenal glands and regulates heart rate, raises blood pressure, and increases blood flow to the organs that are most active. In order for its levels to really increase, you need to choose high-intensity workouts.
Strength training also has a positive effect on estrogen and androgen levels.
Active regular exercise can help correct the hormonal background, but this is not a reason to abandon regular tests and visits to the doctor.