Globo announced the changes in the morning And she left the audience fascinated by a TV call. The video shows Ana Maria Braga interacting with Patricia Boeta, who will take over “Incontro” along with Manuel Soares, after Fatima Bernardes’ departure for “The Voice Brasil”. The problem is that at no time is Manuel mentioned in VT. The poet even said the following sentence: “Now meet with me.”
For some netizens, Globo was wrong to ignore the presenter on the attraction call and showed that he would only be an assistant in the “meeting”. The case sparked comments about structural racism, with Maria Beltrão also sharing the video to talk about the new “É De Casa” and Thiago Oliveira and Rita Batista, as well as Soares, not appearing or mentioned in the VT.
Manuel Soares has gained prominence on social media recently for putting up with a racist issue at the station. The presenter was praised when he noticed a racist attitude from his friend Talitha Moretti in “É De Casa”. On this occasion, the journalist made a black kacada salesman serving everyone who was on the program couch. Manuel quickly got up and served everyone in her place.