Comedian Danny Calabresa no longer has a stable contract with TV Globo after seven years working at the station. Commented on the column topic during The launch of “Ya Palestine” in Rio where he plays with his friends Fabio Porschat and Paolo Vieira..
Analyze “Now I’m on contract for work. It’s great, because I love working at Globo, but we have many other opportunities.” The actress also indicated that the decision was made in agreement with the network.
Featured in “CAT”, framed in “BBB 22”Danny has had an established agreement with the network since 2015. “I want to go back to”BBB 23′. I loved doing the show. I cried with every write-off, we hung up.”
Danny also highlights the strength of flowwhich can enable partnerships with friends who are working on other projects.
“This model contract [por obra] It allows different partnerships, allows the artist to diversify. I think it’s talk. Maybe a year from now I’ll cry under the bridge.”
The comedian also spoke about the end of GNT’s “Danny C” after two seasons.
“It was a comedy show created for a fun channel. I was really happy that it ran for two seasons, and it was a success, but it wasn’t the audience and I didn’t expect it to continue.”
The column contacted Globo, who has not yet commented. The text will be updated with the answer.