The government collects R $ 216.3 million in concession for port terminals | Economie

The government collects R $ 216.3 million in concession for port terminals |  Economie

The government raised R $ 216.3 million through the port terminal concession. The auction took place on Friday (9) in B 3. Four areas have been introduced for the private sector in the Port of Itakoy (MA) and one in the Port of Pelotas (RS).

The projects must generate investments of R $ 600 million, according to the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The auction of the port terminals ended the call for the week in which the government baptized.Infrared WeekIn all, the government has contracted investments worth R $ 10 billion and 28 assets have been transferred to the private sector.

Santos Brasil Marberaices has won disputes over IQI03, IQI11 and IQI12 regions for the port of Itaqui. Aratu Chemical Station (Tequimar) provided the best offer for IQI13.

For the Pelotas port area, CMPC’s only proposal was Celulose Riograndense.

Watch the result of the disagreements on Friday:

  • IQI03 for Port of Itakoy (MA)
    Winner: Santos Brasil Participações, with a proposal valued at BRL 61.3 million (1 bid);
  • IQI11 for Port Itaqui (MA)
    Winner: Santos Brasil Participações, with a bid of 56 million BRL (one show);
  • IQI12 for Port Itaqui (MA)
    Winner: Santos Brasil Participações with a BRL 40 million bid;
  • IQI13 for Port Itaqui (MA)
    Winner: Aratu Chemical Terminal (Tequimar) with the offer of R $ 59 million; And
  • Pelotas Port (RS)
    Winner: CMPC Celulose Rio Grandense Bid 10,000 BRL (Single Bid).

Among the territories auctioned on Friday, two from Italki Port and one from Pelotas Port had a minimum bid value of 1 BRL, earning billionaires goodwill in the dispute.

End result of the Port Areas Auction – Photo: Clone / B1

The right to explore Port Itaqui is valid for 20 years. In Pelotas’ case, it’s 10 years old.

The four areas in the port of Maranhão are dedicated to transporting and storing fuel.

The terminal at the Port of Pelotas (RS) is for cargo in general, particularly logs, which contributes to the logistics chain of pulp production.

Port Terminals Auction – Photo: Economy G1

In 2019, the government sold 13 port regions. Last year, it upgraded six more.

Infrastructure Minister Tarcísio de Freitas said, “It is a day when we should celebrate boldness. We ran an auction in a time of crisis and were successful.”

Prior to the auction for the port terminals, the government held auctions for airports and a piece of the West and East Integration Railway.

The government is planning to auction 12 more port areas and, according to the Minister of Infrastructure, is also continuing its plans to privatize the ports.

This year, the government plans to privatize Companhia Docas do Espirito Santo (Codesa). In 2022, the intention is to move the ports of Santos, São Sebastiao and Itagai to a private initiative.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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