Pacheco says the correct SUS schedule covers the nursing floor

Pacheco says the correct SUS schedule covers the nursing floor

Senate President Meets Barroso and Discusses Salary Adjustment Solutions Suspended by STF Minister

Senate President, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), that updating the SUS schedule is the most feasible way to implement the nursing salary limit. This Tuesday (September 6, 2022) spoke on the matter with the STF Minister Roberto BarrosoWho commented the law of the word on Sunday (4.set).

Other options suggested by Pacheco and Barroso To abolish the validity of the nursing room is to approve the bill exempting hospital payroll and compensating the debts of states and municipalities with the union.

The SUS table provides a list of actions and the relevant reimbursement amount paid by the Federal Government to the network associated with medical hospital services provided to the public system.

In an interview with reporters, Pacheco said that the SUS schedule is outdated and should have been updated a long time ago. “[Se] If the SUS admission is corrected by only 50%, it will be possible to compensate the national level for nurses, and it will still cause losses to hospitals,” announced.

He said he would arrange meetings with ministers Paulo Guedes (Economy) and Marcelo Quiroga (Health) to discuss possible paths. “We will impose this national ground [dos enfermeiros]who have stood out in this pandemic and have ridiculously reduced their salaries all over Brazil.”

On Sunday, Barroso commented nursing salary limit and give 60 days for the federal government, states, federal district, and sectoral entities to provide information on Financial ImpactAnd the layoffs risks and a possible reduction in the quality of service provided.

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Barroso’s decision is a (temporary) injunction and was filed in her lawsuit. CNSade (National Federation of Health, Hospitals, Institutions and Services). Read the Salim (258 KB).

The Minister decided that the case should be submitted for analysis by the virtual plenary of the STF, so that the rest of the court could confirm its decision or not. No trial date has yet been set.

The law sets a minimum nursing salary minimum wage From R$ 4750 for nurses. It came into effect on August 5.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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