The characters played by Jessica Sodre and Leonardo Megiorin in Senhora do Destino
actress Jessica Sudrywho played the character Lady Diana In the TV series “Senhora do Destino” (2004-2005), he radically changed his appearance and surprised how he is today.
Since the end of the novel Jessica Sudry He disappeared from the media and did not appear in any other relevant role. Without the same previous fame, the actress was in the plot “Prova de Amor” (2005-2006), on Record TV.
17 years after her greatest success, the actress who gave life to her Lady Diana interview with O Globo . newspaperShe said that despite the change in her appearance, she was still known on the streets as a soap opera character by the audience that followed Aguinaldo Silva’s plot.
Jessica Sudry Shocked that they got to know her so many years later since the end of the 9pm telenovela: “I think it’s incredible because it’s been over ten years now and people always ask me, ‘Was it you who played Mrs. Diane?'” “. Angolan spectators add me on social networks, “said the famous.
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at the moment, Jessica Sudry Married to another woman, assuming a romantic relationship unexpected by the viewer. She runs a party animation company, has a YouTube channel and works as a drama teacher who teaches drama classes.
Actor has passed SHAOLIN PERRENGUE
the actor Leonardo Meguoren, who gave life in the TV series “Senhora do Destino” to a furious Shaolin, the father of Lady Diane’s son in the plot, is completely different nowadays. More mature and full, the boy who was very skinny had become even more handsome than before.
However, like many artists, the Covid-19 pandemic ended up hurting Leonardo Meguorenwho was unemployed. For this reason, the actor who has already achieved many songs such as “Mulheres Apaixonadas” and “Presença de Anitta” was forced to return to live with his parents.
Lola is married to a woman who is 20 years younger than him, and the beauty of the girl is impressive: “She is beautiful.”
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Leonardo Meguoren He rented his property in São Paulo, went back to live with his parents, and in this way secured his expenses by the value of the rent he had received. It is not easy for anyone.
YouTube video: ⚠️ Severe complaint: Manuel Soares has indicted an employee of Globo and production to file a complaint with the direction