Find out how to apply for a small loan of up to R$ 3,000 at CAIXA

Find out how to apply for a small loan of up to R$ 3,000 at CAIXA

Nowadays, getting a loan may be a necessity for many people. This happens for various reasons, for example, investing in the business itself. However, the difficulty in obtaining credit may be due to the citizen’s incorrect name.

In other words, for those whose CPF is in an irregular situation with the credit protection agencies. In this sense, it is important to stress that the Caixa Econômica Federal Bank has a micro-credit line available that can release up to R$3,000, even for those who are negative.

Learn more about Caixa microcredit of up to R$ 3,000 / credit: jeanedeoliveirafotografia /

Caixa Micro Loan

First of all, it is important to emphasize that Caixa releases this microcredit for those who want to do it or who already take it. Therefore, the line can be seen as a financial aid for those who want to invest in their own business.

Therefore, applicants with credit can use the funds, for example, to pay for renewals, purchase new items, and purchase inputs, among other things.

The line is called SIM Digital, or Digital Microcredit Simplification Program for Entrepreneurs.

It is available to Individual Small Business Owners (MEIs) and individuals. Thus, it is worth noting that the circumstances are somewhat different for the two audiences.

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Loan terms

For individuals, the available balance is up to R$1,000, with a repayment period of up to 24 months and an interest rate starting at 1.95% per month.

On the other hand, for those who are MEI, the repayment term is the same, but the interest rate starts at 1.99% and the maximum that can be contracted is R$3,000.

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How to apply?

In the case of individuals, the application can be submitted virtually, through the Caixa Tem application. To access it, just use the link:🇧🇷

First, you need to open the app and sign in. Then click on the “Hire Caixa Tem Credit” option. You will need to answer a series of questions that will appear, and then just select the amount of credit you want to request.

Once this is done, select the number of months the repayment installments will be divided into and also select the payment date. Finally, confirm the process with your password to complete it. Caixa Econômica will analyze the request.

It is worth noting that to carry out the process, it is recommended to obtain an official document with a personal photo, such as a driver’s license or identity card.

On the other hand, in the case of MEIs, the application must be submitted in person at the Caixa agency. You will need to carry both personal documents and company documents. In addition, you must have a minimum of 12 months experience in the method.

Thus, the necessary documents are DASN-SIMEI, MEI Condition Certificate, and Proof of Billing, which must be organized along with the annual MEI declaration.

Pay by Caixa Team

This month, beneficiaries from Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás are receiving installments through Caixa Tem. Check dates:

  • 12/12 – final 1 shekel
  • 12/13 – Finals, value of 2 shekels
  • 12/14 – NIS 3 Finals
  • 12/15 – Finals of 4 shekels
  • 12/16 – Finals of 5 shekels
  • 12/19 – final 6 shekels
  • 12/20 – Finals 7 shekels
  • 12/21 – Finals of 8 shekels
  • 12/22 – final 9 shekels
  • 12/23 – final 0 shekels
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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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