Find out why the record went down on Vini Buttel’s eviction

Leo Dias

After expelling Vini Buttel from the dynamics of those eliminated on Saturday (10/12) after passing a tip-off about the game to Bia Miranda, Record returned and kept the former pawn in A Fazenda.

According to the information obtained by this column, the channel returned after finding that Vini will not transmit external information from reality and will only say the things that have already been reported during the dynamic.

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During Saturday, Instagram and Twitter profiles shared the information that the former pawn was going to tell Bea that Barbara Borges would be the reality star. However, sources in the column denied this fact.

With that said, Vini should be present for the race involving the two eliminators and the top five on Sunday (12/11). The final match is scheduled to take place in Fazenda next Thursday (12/15).

On Saturday morning (12/11), the former pawn poked fun at being fired with his stories: “I had a nightmare, a tearful dream, that I had been kicked out of the program, and there would only be group B.P*er no, to the joy of some and the grief of many, Do you really think this will happen?”.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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