Find out which celebrities have been quoted from BBB 23 Cabin

Find out which celebrities have been quoted from BBB 23 Cabin


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as we expected, Thaddeus Schmidt By signing a new contract with Marinho to provide four copies of Big Brother Brazil. Therefore, the journalist is guaranteed in the main broadcaster until 2025.

According to sources in the column, the caller receives 400,000 riyals per month as a contracted Vênus Platinum. but how BBB 23 On air, this figure should exceed 2 million reais given the advertising percentage that Tadeu is entitled to.

It continues after the announcement

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Adapted from Big 23

Tadeo Schmidt backstage at the BBB

Clipper Toledo (Actor), Ingrid Silva (Dancer), Bruno Caprerizo (Actor), Solange Cotto, Thiago Martins (Actor), Juan Paiva (Actor), Rafael Vicente (Digital Effector), MC Guimê (Singer), Bruno Carneiro (Unique ) from Desimpedidos Channel), Luisa Tomei (Actress), Carol Nakamura (Actress), Rafael Infante (Actor), Sofia Abraho (Actress), Ricky Tavares (Actor), Hortensia Marcari (Former Athlete), Paula Fernandez (Singer), Ana Hikari (Actress), Arthur Zanetti (Athlete), Marcela Rica (Actress), Pedro Novaes (Actor) And the Romulo Arantes Neto (actor) They are quoted for plim-plim top billing reality.

Tadeo Schmidt backstage at the BBB

BBB 23 is presented by Tadeu Schmidt, produced by Mariana Mônaco, art direction by Rodrigo Dourado and genre direction by Boninho. The reality series premieres January 16th.


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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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