How to vote on the fifth wall and score

How to vote on the fifth wall and score

The season’s fifth wall sent Fred, Christian, and Ricciardo to the hot seat. With the wall formed, BBB 23’s vote on Gshow will decide who leaves and who stays at home fighting for the R$1.5 million prize. The final result will be released on the night of Tuesday, February 21st.

Gshow rating BBB 23

Gshow vote on BBB 23 is the only official poll on the show, so to remove a participant it is necessary that their vote be deposited there. Any other or partial survey that does not contradict the outcome of the reality show. Additionally, Gshow doesn’t show how voting is going in real time, with the software only revealing the numbers calculated in the hot seat—and the percentage per wall—after voting closes, on Tuesday nights.

How to vote on Gshow

In order to exclude one of the three disfigured people from the tenth wall of the edition, it will be necessary to have a registration on the reality show’s official website. If you have never participated in the BBB 23 Vote on Gshow, you will have to press the “Enter” button on the upper right side and then “Register”. Enter your full name and date of birth, then enter a valid email address.

You will receive confirmation by e-mail, follow the indicated steps, and that’s it, you will already have a login and password to access the site. Next, enter the Big Brother Brasil tab in Gshow and click on the BBB 23 vote poll. Check the names and votes of the polls and tap on who you want to eliminate, be careful not to make a mistake.

The next step will be to check the “I am a human” box and that’s it, you will receive a message informing you that your vote has been counted. You can repeat the process as many times as you want, there is no limit to the votes.

BBB 23 poll percentage updated: Who stands on the fifth wall?

Now let’s go step by step on how to vote for BBB 23:

1 – Step 1: Go to the Gshow website and click on the menu in the upper left corner of the screen to find the “Facts” option, then “BBB 23”. If you want to go directly to this page, just use the link;

2 – Step 2: For those who are allowed to vote, you will need a login and password on the site. If you have, great. If you haven’t already, click “Enter” in the upper right corner and then click “Register”;

3 – Step 3: You will have to inform some personal data such as full name, email, password and date of birth. Rest assured that you won’t have to pay anything;

4 – Step 4: Now that you are logged into your new account, simply click on the BBB 23 survey on Gshow.

5 – Step 5: Select the duo that will be voted for the secret room of BBB 23. You will have to go through the bot verification by clicking on the “I am human” box and then your vote will be confirmed. If you want to repeat the process, click Vote Again.

Enjoy and follow DCI on google news And follow the news of Big Brother Brazil

See also  are you going? Majur received an invite to be on "BBB 23" - 01/03/2023

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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