An expert gives extraordinary tips for losing weight | capital Cities

An expert gives extraordinary tips for losing weight |  capital Cities

UK-based nutritionist Hannah Richards recommends habits to incorporate into your weight loss routine

Keeping weight under control or shedding a few extra pounds is high on many people’s wish lists. More than crash diets and intense training, the mission involves lifestyle changes that can last for the long term.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, registered dietitian Hannah Richards suggested some of the key habits she recommends to her clients. She is the founder of Gut Clinic, a clinic located in London, UK, that uses integrative approaches aimed at health and wellness.

One of Hannah’s tips, for example, is to eat food with your hands. According to her, this pushes people to spend more time eating meals, which contributes to better functioning of the digestive system.

“Taking shortcuts with restrictive diets or relying on extreme diets doesn’t work in the long run. Plus, when you take shortcuts, at some point, you’ll run out of options,” Hannah confirmed, in an interview with the English newspaper. Here are some expert tips:

1. Only work out when you feel 100%.

People already know that exercise is important, but there is no point in training against your will.

According to her, people who engage in non-motivating physical activities will have less energy when they’re done, and this can push them toward unhealthy exhaust valves, like a cookie in the intention of trying to cheer up.

“I would advise not to overcommit and make sure this suits your energy levels. Start with a daily walk or a class like yoga once a week,” Hannah recommends.

2. Ditch the cutlery and eat with your hands

Eating with your hands, when they are well washed, slows the rate at which people feed. The fork and knife are faster and bring more food into the mouth, which can lead to overeating.

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“By eating with your hands, you eat more slowly, which improves digestion and you also chew more. Eating is sensory, and by using your hands you elevate the sensory experience,” says Hannah.

3. The perception and smell of food

For an expert, the expression of eating with your eyes makes perfect sense. By visualizing and smelling food, the brain receives a signal to release more saliva, which contains digestive enzymes. They help form a food bolus.

And the nutritionist adds that it is wrong not to like what you eat. Not paying attention to the appearance and taste of food hinders the body’s preparation for the digestion process.

4. Chew as much as you can

It is common, but unhealthy, to swallow food without chewing. Not processing food creates a vicious cycle in the brain. It is believed that he needs more food if the person is not chewing properly.

Chewing food well prevents intestinal problems such as bloating, gas, and constipation. Therefore, the ideal method is to chew to a liquid state. It will facilitate digestion, as food will be broken down more easily.

“You will have more sources of energy for the body. Chewing will stimulate the production of stomach acids, which are the primary basis for breaking down the food you eat. If you want to lose weight, follow this vital step every time you eat.”

5. Avoid social media at the table

Are you one of those who are looking for something to watch while eating? If so, know that it is a bad habit for anyone looking to lose weight. Distracted eating loses contact with food.

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The biggest sources of distraction in general are mobile phones, to browse social networks, and television, to watch the news or series.

“To get a sense of hunger and fullness cues, the best way is to sit at the table—even if it’s only for 20 or 30 minutes—and enjoy your plate,” Hannah recommends.

6. Sleeping facing left

Even the lying down position for sleeping is important as a weight loss strategy. The left side is the normal position for the stomach, and according to the specialist, lying down with the body facing the same side facilitates digestion and reduces possible stomach swelling.

“Over time, your stomach won’t get bigger because your digestive system will work efficiently — so the discomfort of fullness will go away because food won’t get stuck in your stomach all night,” explains Hannah.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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