Twitter issues a “textão” with 10,000 characters, but only for those who pay

Twitter issues a “textão” with 10,000 characters, but only for those who pay

a Twitter It was announced last Thursday (13) that Twitter Blue subscribers will be able to post texts of up to 10,000 characters, a significant expansion of the previous 4,000-character limit, announced in February. However, only paid users will be able to access the news, while regular users will be able to view long posts, but they will not be able to write texts longer than 280 characters.

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A Twitter Blue subscription in Brazil can go as low as R$60 per month. In addition to the new character limit, Twitter Blue now also allows for post formatting, such as using bold and italics.

Also new is that creators can activate ways to monetize content, but for now, this feature is only available in the US. Twitter appears to be using these features to compete directly with the newsletter platform.SpareRecently banned by Twitter.

10,000+ Characters: Blue will have other advantages

It was also announced that Twitter Blue users will have access to a series of additional features, such as the ability to undo tweets, create private collections of tweets, and change the app icon, among other exclusive tools.

Twitter Blue launches in select countries in May 2021, offering a host of additional features as well as an ad-free experience. Users pay a monthly fee to access these additional features.

Twitter is not the only platform that offers subscription options to access additional features. Facebook, for example, launched Facebook Premium in 2021, which offers a number of exclusive features to subscribers, such as the ability to use the app without ads, as well as other additional features.

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Instagram launched a similar option this year. These subscription services are growing in popularity as social media companies look for new ways to monetize and offer personalized user experiences.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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