Microsoft already has a plan to remove the Xbox Live Gold subscription

Microsoft already has a plan to remove the Xbox Live Gold subscription

Microsoft already has a plan to remove the Xbox Live Gold subscription

We knew very well that this would happen sooner or later, Microsoft cannot continue to justify the Xbox Live Gold subscription for a long time because its users are more and more attached to Xbox Game Pass.

In fact, console users only pay for this Xbox Live Gold, creating first- and second-tier players within the Xbox ecosystem itself. Department can be with contacts days.

During the trial against the Federal Trade Commission, those in Redmond were exposed They have plans to cancel GOlD from their subscriptions, providing more value for money. There is no document showing all of this, but there is an (unofficial) photo by Derek Strickland where he shows the 3 steps.

We seem very close Stage 3, as Microsoft will definitely remove Gold. You can see it in the image below:

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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