Understand how small businesses can benefit from Desenrolla

Understand how small businesses can benefit from Desenrolla

Entrepreneurs can repay the debts they have incurred as individuals; An increase in purchasing power can also lead to an increase in sales

The government program Desenrola Brasil, to renegotiate the debts of individuals, came into force on Monday (July 17, 2023). In addition to the consequences for the general public, the initiative could affect small businesses in Brazil, according to Sebrae.

It just so happens that the majority (61%) of Brazilian small businesses that took out loans in 2022 did so as individuals, according to data from a survey (full – 2 MB) on financing from Sibra (Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service). Therefore, anyone with bank debts can clear their name through the program.

second Giovanni Soaresthe innovation and digital transformation agent of Sebrae, companies that managed to get out of the red through Desenrola still have the opportunity to obtain more interest loans as legal entities in the future and reorganize their accounts.

“This is a good opportunity to be able to negotiate debt, allowing people to plan their finances better.”said the expert Entrepreneurial power.

Giovanni claims there is another benefit the software offers small businesses: increased energy consumption. With less debt, the population will have more room to spend on products and services, which can increase the company’s sales and customers.

Small businesses will be the first to benefit from this increase in consumption. It is expected that Desenrola will be able to boost the launch of consumption and increase economic activity.Said the Sebra agent.

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Minister Fernando Haddad (Fazenda) said that at least 1.5 million Brazilians with debts of up to R$100 will have their names automatically cleared in banks by the end of July because of Desnola. The estimated amount of de-identification is R$100 million.

The government says it has the ability to reach another 30 million people with higher debts. It is divided into two tracks:

  • 1 – Citizens who receive up to a minimum wage or are registered with a CadÚnico (Cadastro Único);
  • two – Individuals with an income of up to R$20,000 and negative financial debt until December 31, 2022.

On Monday, the government released R50 billion for banks to join Desenrola.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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