SP should receive 2.1 million tourists during the holiday

SP should receive 2.1 million tourists during the holiday


The expected average hotel occupancy is 69% throughout the state of São Paulo

The expected average hotel occupancy is 69% throughout the state of São Paulo

According to the Tourism Economy Intelligence Center (CIET), linked to the Travel and Tourism Secretariat (Setur-SP), tourist destinations Sao Paulo They are supposed to receive 2.1 million visitors and generate R$3.3 billion during the four days of this long holiday.

The expected average hotel occupancy across the state is 69%, a number that could increase in coastal cities, where occupancy is 87% so far. “The long vacation makes long trips possible, which makes tourism hotter throughout our state,” says SP’s Minister of Tourism and Travel, Roberto De Lucena.

The Vale do Ribeira region, which has seen an increase in tourist influx this year, expects hotel occupancy to average 86% in towns such as Canania, Iguape and Sete Baras. Consolidated routes, such as Pereira Barreto, with fishing tourism, and São Roque, which offers the wine route, have their accommodation facilities almost full for the long holiday.

The city of Poetova, famous for its hot air balloon rides, is celebrating its 86th birthday with four days of free shows and a lot of demand. Finally, Cunha, with its Cheese Festival, has shown an 80% expectation of occupancy for its accommodation facilities so far.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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