project RRim Rio Minas, which launched in 2015, should finally take off, with its maiden flight scheduled for the end of the year. The construction of the first interstate tourist train in the southeast of the country was only possible thanks to donations from civil society.
The train is a voluntary initiative of a civil society organization for public benefit (Oscip). Train friendsIn partnership with the concessionaire Ferrovia Centro-Atlântica – which will handle the operation – and with the approval of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT).
Hey Rio Minas train It will have a total length of 37 kilometers, linking the cities of Tres Ríos in Rio de Janeiro and Chiador in Minas Gerais. The funds needed to operate the project were obtained through donations collected by Amigos do Trem since the beginning of the project in 2015. Currently, renovations are being carried out for the vehicles that will operate the road. In addition to donations, the NGO is now seeking support from public bodies to assist in the process.
“Today we work on our own resources and with the help of volunteers, we have no financial support. We have not received parliamentary amendments, no appeals from the federal government, no city councils, nothing. I take this opportunity to appeal. The Rio Minas train will change the reality of municipalities, it is another being.” “For tourism. In addition to institutional support, it deserves financial support.”
Cynthia Nascimento, President of the NGO Amigos du Trem
In a statement, Train friends He attested to the economic feasibility of the project and stated that “in addition to the railway rescue project, it presents an innovative proposal: valorization of culture, social aspects, sustainable development, increasing employment opportunities, generating income, increasing the economy, valuing tourism, among others.”
Initial project
The initial project envisages the revitalization of 168 kilometers of tracks between Tres Ríos (RJ) and Cataguaces, in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, passing through eight municipalities where about 900,000 people live. Due to lack of investment and current conditions of railway lines, the route was reduced to 37 km.