The committee discusses integrating data into the public health system – News

The committee discusses integrating data into the public health system – News

09/19/2023 – 06:17

Marcelo Casal Junior/Brazil Agency

The lawmaker who requested the hearing is advocating for digital transformation in the district

The House of Representatives Health Committee will hold a public session this Tuesday (19) on integrating data from the sector. This topic has been addressed in several draft laws being processed together in the chamber, the most important of which is draft law No. 5875/13.

Representative Adriana Ventura (Novo-SP), who proposed the discussion, believes that Brazil needs to advance in the computerization of health services, and the creation of a single electronic medical record, which is moving in this direction.

“Our healthcare system suffers from a lack of data integration, which is why we need to strive to create an integrated model that will simplify management and produce a more appropriate response for patients,” he says.

Adriana Ventura points out that other countries, such as the United Kingdom and Canada, are already becoming more advanced in the use of electronic medical records. “[Eles] They will be able to share their experiences, including the potential benefits and difficulties encountered during the implementation of electronic medical records in these countries.”

The session is scheduled to be held at nine in the morning, in the seventh plenary session.

From the Editor – M.B

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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