We’ve already shown you how Pilates can help you get the six pack abs you’re dreaming of. We also show you foods that help you get rid of unwanted fat in this area. But you should also know that it’s important to do some abdominal exercises to get there. Also, do you know the correct way to do this?
Don’t worry if your answer is no. Because there is no point in doing a million sit-ups if the idea is to get rid of belly fat forever, but it is possible to reduce the diameter of the abdomen. It is necessary to get rid of the subcutaneous fat that covers it. Well, there’s no point in investing in the best strength exercises for these muscles if the frames you’ve accumulated in this area don’t make them visible.
Training to lose belly
In other words, the secret is to activate and strengthen the transverse muscle, which is the deepest muscle in the abdomen. So, check out 3 levels of exercises that will help you lose belly fat!
Level 1 – Beginner
In a standing position on all fours, contract your stomach as if you wanted to bring your navel toward your back. Hold this position for a few seconds and take several diaphragmatic breaths. Keep your spine stable and perform 4 sets of 30 seconds each. Repeat 3 times.
Level 2 – Intermediate
Place your hands under your lower back, and press your stomach firmly, as if you were to squeeze your hands. Extend one leg and switch slowly, keeping pressure on your hands. Do 4 sets of 30 seconds each. Also, rest for at least two minutes between sets.
Level 3 – Advanced
The most intense variation is to keep your hips neutral and your arms and legs extended. Remember to breathe through your diaphragm and keep your belly contracted (bringing your navel toward your back). Finally, hold this position for 20 or 30 seconds and repeat 4 times.