Flying cars for private use are now on sale in the United States

Flying cars for private use are now on sale in the United States

Eve’s eVTOL has a range of 100 km, and another advantage is there is no noise from the propellers compared to a helicopter or plane. The proposal is that for now the transportation will not be individual, like the model on sale in the United States, but something similar to taxis and app vehicles. In interviews conducted around the world, Eve executives have claimed that it will be comparable to the cost of an app flight of the same distance, the main reason being the lack of fuel costs, as it will be electric. According to the company, the cost of travel per person is six times less than the cost of traveling by helicopter. These vehicles are also designed to later be operated autonomously or semi-autonomously.

The aircraft has eight propellers for vertical flight and fixed wings for cruising flight, without changing the position of these components during flight. The latest concept includes an electric propulsion powered by dual electric motors that provide propulsion redundancy to ensure safety.

The company plans to begin assembling the first full-scale eVTOL prototype in 2023, while tests will be conducted in 2024.

Where will they go?

Eve has a partnership with Voar Aviation, which has ordered hundreds of flying cars. The company has already commented on its intentions to expand its operations to different regions of Brazil, such as São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Goiânia, Vitoria, Florianópolis, Camboriu, Fortaleza, Natal, Recife, and Salvador. Worldwide, the Brazilian startup has already signed agreements with countries in Europe, the United States, Kenya, Singapore, Dubai, Australia and others.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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