Simeone’s son accuses Rachel’s fans of hating him online

Simeone’s son accuses Rachel’s fans of hating him online

Today, Monday (23 years old), João Victor Simeone (19 years old) spoke with columnist Chico Barni and presenter Yas Fiorello, in the program Central Splash, about the participation of his mother Camila Simeone (37 years old) in the reality show A Fazenda 2023 (Register).

He stated that since his mother joined A Fazenda, he has received a torrent of virtual attacks. “We’ve always been used to online hate, but not to this extent. People started mentioning my name [nas redes sociais]Then my Instagram account became a mess! I had to disable comments.”

Joao Victor explained how serious the content of the hate messages he was receiving was. “They tell me to kill myself, take poison, a ridiculous amount of stuff… I don’t care about the hate comments, but people on the internet lose track, they go crazy.”

The boy criticized Rachel Scheherazade, 50, for things he said in interviews about his mother and even himself. “Her way of seeing is beautiful, but ever since you left, if you removed the word ‘Simeone’ from her vocabulary, she wouldn’t survive. She reminded me of Varo, she reminded me of Lucas Silvi… Guys, she doesn’t do that.” “I don’t know me! “She never met me! I never saw her in life!”

According to Joao, many of the haters who attacked him on social media are Rachel’s fans. “You have no idea what her fans are doing on my social media, based on what she said. It’s terrible! Everything that’s not on the inside, her fans on the outside, is completely against who she is.”

  • Hey Central splash It airs live Monday-Friday, at 6pm, on the Splash YouTube channel, with the day’s top news and commentary from Chico Barney and guests. Watch in full:
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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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