COP 28: Message reveals reaction of petro-states to potential end to oil use; “They are in a state of panic,” says the analyst policeman

COP 28: Message reveals reaction of petro-states to potential end to oil use;  “They are in a state of panic,” says the analyst  policeman

As talks progress at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), and with intense debate over whether the final declaration should include a clear intention to plan to end the use of fossil fuels, the main source of global warming and climate change as a whole, the countries that lead the world’s oil production Shows anxiety.

A letter from OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) to its sister group, OPEC+, which includes other fossil fuel-producing countries, revealed by the international press on Friday (8), revealed the conversations surrounding the possible directions of COP28 and its impact on the sector, which Despite criticism it remains an important part of the global economy.

The document referred to the draft final text of COP28, published by the UN climate body on Tuesday (5). A different draft was published on Friday.

COP discussions are traditionally taken into account in the draft final declaration of each climate summit, and this year there are a range of options relating to oil, from agreeing to “phase out fossil fuels in accordance with the best available science” (phasing out), all the way to phasing out “Unreduced fossil fuels” (phasing), which favors options such as capturing carbon from the air. Also, one of the options on the negotiating table is not to include any text on fossil fuels.

“It appears that unjustified and disproportionate pressure on fossil fuels may reach a tipping point with irreversible consequences, as the draft resolution still contains options on phasing out fossil fuels,” the letter said. Obtained by Reuters.

The document urged OPEC-related delegations at the twenty-eighth Conference of the Parties to “proactively reject any text or formula that targets the source of energy, i.e. fossil fuels, rather than emissions.”

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He adds: “While OPEC and non-OPEC member states participating in the Cooperation Pact take climate change seriously and have a strong track record of climate action, it would be unacceptable for politically motivated campaigns to promote the prosperity and future of our people.” The document is consistent with statements previously made by the current president of COP28, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, who heads the Emirates Oil Company.

Identical letters, signed by Haitham Al-Ghais, CEO of Kuwaiti Oil and Secretary-General of OPEC, were sent to the organization’s thirteen members, which include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Nigeria. These countries own 80% of the world’s oil reserves, and produced about 40% of the world’s oil in the past decade, according to the newspaper. Watchman.

“They are terrified”

Experts and politicians have listened before Associated Press Interact with the movement in the oil sector. “I think they’re panicking,” said Alden Meyer, an analyst at climate think tank E3G. Maybe the Saudis can’t do what they want on their own. [membros da Opep] “It was done 30 years ago, and it disrupted the process.”

“They are afraid,” former Irish President Mary Robinson said. I think they are worried. It gives me hope.” Robinson, co-chair of the retired leadership group The Elders, is known for her climate activism. In a conversation with her, Sultan Al Jaber made statements in which he refused to acknowledge the need to end the use of fossil fuels to avoid climate collapse, which cost him headaches during this COP in Dubai.

Also at this year’s climate summit, Brazil was invited to join OPEC+, drawing criticism for what could be Brazilian hypocrisy in calling for a green future while participating in the club of petro-states. Lula’s government immediately stated that if it joined the organization, it would do so Brazil will have a role in championing the energy transition Within the institution.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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