BBB 24: Rodriginho wins the second boss race and leaves three brothers “in sight” of the wall

BBB 24: Rodriginho wins the second boss race and leaves three brothers “in sight” of the wall
BBB 24 Rodriginho Photos Fabio Rocha Globo.jpg

Rodriguinho is this week's BBB 24 leader (Photo: Fábio Rocha, Globo)

Hey BP24 Today, Thursday (11), its second leader was identified. Rodriginho won the race and chose Daffy, Isabel and Beatrice to be “in sight” of the wall. Tomorrow (age 12), he will definitively nominate one person from the trio to be in the spotlight.

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How was the leader test?

The leader test had 24 participants. In the first stage, which was divided into four groups, the brothers had to stand on a cart that was moved on the track by other team members, using a crank. The two winning groups qualified for the semi-finals.

At the end of the first stage, the team formed by Nizam, Mateus, Rodriguinho, Giovanna Bittel, Fernanda and Lucas Pizan moved to the final part of the race. Everyone had to open an envelope. Rodriginho took the advance card and emerged victorious.

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How does na mira do leder work

It was announced as one of the new features of BP24, the dynamic of Na Mira do Líder consists of a “pre-pointing” to the wall. Each week, the winner of the race will have to choose three participants to be “in the spotlight” until Sunday, when he will choose one person from the trio to climb the wall. The reality show predicted the dynamic would play out every Friday live.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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